Monday 19 June 2017


Waterloo Road is a British television drama series which has 10 series and 200 episodes.

The clip from Waterloo Road shows that high school in a surburban area. The uniform gives the impression that the teenagers are not behaving. This clip show us that Gabriella is going too be a bad and spoilt student as she doesn't follow her parents instructions. This suggest that the storyline is going to be based around her for this show as the first minute shows her entering the school (in style). In my opinion i think Gabriella is going to end up fighting the girlfriend of the boy she kissed at the beginning. The new character will make the storyline more interesting to the audience as she is bringing in more drama and that is what the viewers of Waterloo Road watch it for.

There are typical TV drama characters in Waterloo Road providing that there are average community school students who attend the high school. There are loads of stereotypes in Waterloo Road like the 'popular kids' who are very popular in the school sometimes occasionally they can also be bad students. There also also the kids who are smart and get bullied for being smart these are called nerds. There are also the students who go against the rules such as wearing there own clothes to school and not  which we can clearly see in the clip. Gabriella would be part of the rich, spoilt, stuck-up kids since we can clearly see by the episode that she is defiant towards her father. The clip introduces Gabriella as quite mischievous this may be the cause as her being brought it up into a rich family which she doesn't think is her and wants to be a normal student.

In Waterloo Road there are many visual codes that suggest iconography such as the uniform. From the episode, we can see that some students wear school uniform and some dont. From this we can see that  this school has some students who are well behaved and some that do not wear there uniform this would be not an orderly school. Immediately know that it is a high school drama Tv show as some of them are in their in uniform

Film posters and trailers: blog task

Django Unchained

  • How are black people represented? Is this a fair and honest portrayal of slavery? Why?
Black people are represented as non equal and shown the lowest respect as their not white or their either slaves to the white people.No its not fair as all people no matter their colour or religion should all be treated the same with respect.
  • How are women represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points
Black or white the women were represented the same as the black males with no respect and they was mainly used for sexual desires. 
  • How are white non-American represented? Why?
White non Americans are presented the same as the black males as Jangos's sidekick is not american and they try to kill him just like Jango.
  • How are white men represented? Why?
White men are represented as superior and have complete power over the females and black males because in the whole movie the females and black males are either being hit or being killed.
  • Is it as simple as saying black people are represented as good and white people as bad? Why?
Yes it is that simple because the white people knew what they was doing was wrong but they still continued to keep black people as slaves and torture them for so many hundreds of years.